
Showing posts from 2012

the simplest method of dakwah n flourishing islam

My dad gave us a post-solat tazkirah a while ago. It was a very simple tazkirah but had a very deep meaning embedded within. so before i start re-tazkirah-ing, i'd like to ask: What do you do when u walk pass a fellow muslim (or any human being for that matter)? This is what i've observed in Malaysia: a) Act like nobody just passed you - 80% b) Smile - 10% c) Give a salam - 10% d) Scream at him/her and run away like a mad man - negligible, but i have seen it happen before haha! (early disclaimer : these are my own self-observed, un-studied, un-researched and non-quotable data. Not to be used as a form of reference) A show of hands of those who've also observed this here in our homeland? betul kan kan? ok so enough of the lame intro. The main highlight of the tazkirah was on courtesy soft skills. What does Islam mean to YOU? - well, for me, Islam is a simple and beautiful holistic religion that encompasses every aspect of human life, be it work or play.