
Showing posts from October, 2011


Ok so Aizu and I were both off on the same day... Finally! so we decided to spend the day at the mosque.... taki ng photos!hehehe ...  but it was also beneficial cause we did end up praying in congregation over there which i haven't managed to do in quite a while due to the hectic working shifts, not a good excuse, i know. The model was terrible though, inexperienced and lacks variety in her poses. Don't worry, she'll be sticking to her day job. haha :) here are some of the pics:  Whatcha lookin at??  I really wanted ice creammm...  I like this one..  trying to look all innocent hahaha I need to buy a good program to edit pics. haha xoxo

To play or not to play. That is the question...

Ok so i'm currently having an internal conflict within myself.This sunday i have a futsal match, i'll be representing the hospital like before. i haven't trained in months, and furthermore i've gained weight, lost stamina and lost speed due to the extra kgs i put on haha don't call me anorexic.  Lemme weigh out the pros and cons: The perks of playing -  I don't need to go to work - I'm working this sunday but since i've got an official letter from the hosp director i need not work that day. woohoo. problem is, i need to find a replacement - ah that should be easy. who doesn't wanna work in ward 5 on a weekend? i'll lose weight. InshaAllah. Ameen. i'll regain my stamina and speed.  i can meet up with all my futsal mates again. The cons I'd rather rest i.e. sleep. Or go shopping. I still need shoes and a dress. if i don't go, i need to work from 8am til 5pm. i don't like futsal as much as the other sports. I wish it were bask...