
Showing posts from March, 2011

The end of a beautiful period marks the beginning of the unwanted!

i.e. Beautiful period = HOLIDAY Unwanted = end of the HOLIDAY And thus the return of nettlesome rantings from yours truly... I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK! Is it possible that I'll wake up to find that this is only a dream?... . . . . (...and what happened to optimism?) . . . Let the monologues begin....

Ambiguity and Anonymity

Is it normal to feel this way? Confused, undecided and in a state of uncertainty The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. But once you have the chance to actually taste it, u just plainly don’t want to. There’s no longer that thrill u had from chasing after it. I’m starting to have second thoughts. Why is that so? Dear God, Show me the straight path. Show me right from wrong. And whatever decisions I make in the future, may they please be good ones? Ameen.

Celebrating independence

I never knew how it really felt to be alone.. i mean literally ALONE. I come from a very protective family, where my parents would hardly ever allow us to hang out with our friends at shopping complexes let alone step out of the front gate without informing them first. My actual first step into independence was when i left my family in Mexico to further my studies in Malaysia to become a medical doctor.. it wasn’t too bad at that moment as my 2 eldest bros were there for me to freeload off their food and shelter etc, i was self-confessed leech (we actually stayed in our home so it wasn’t a big deal anyway haha). Well anyway, from leaving Mexico, to starting matriculation in PJ and then moving on to the medical faculty in Kuantan, i’d consider myself pretty much grown. I’ve matured emotionally, professionally as well as spiritually. I’ve learned to become more understanding and considerate towards other ppl, and i’ve learned how to deal and accept (and tolerate) all different types