Latent phase of life

So i've been pretty latent of late in the the cyber world, but in reality a lot's been going on. It's been a joyous past few months for me and my family. I no longer come as one, for i am officially a double being (no, i am NOT pregnant teehee!)... and no i'm not an alien. My brother and my sister in law just got engaged, on the same day, on separate occasions and at separate venues, but NOT to each other.... that'd just be weird haha. 

a few achievements over the last month - i've been cooking! hip hip hooray! i have to admit it's kinda fun experimenting with all the ingredients in the kitchen. My moto - you're a good cook as long as your cooking is edible (regardless of the taste). I've managed to save more money by cooking at home. prior to this, i'd eat out every single day, and mind you, i'm a VERY selective eater... by going out, i'd spend at least RM20 on a meal and petrol. and furthermore, i'd be exposed to the very drug that the typical shopaholic lives off, namely clothing. That reminds me, i'm due for a dose of shopping. well actually i'm long overdue. Major shocker! (giving myself a pat on the back).

ok enough self extolment. Time for self evaluation. I've really been slacking off lately. Here is my list of slacks; things that i'm really unhappy about:
  1. I've been arriving at work relatively late.. I wake up really early but somehow i always arrive after 7. Flossing is the culprit. Dear God, please remove this OCD.
  2. I haven't been reviewing patients as efficiently as i would have liked. And that's cos i arrive at work late and i need to speed through my reviews. Ok i know, lame excuse. 
  3. I'm a sleepyhead and require at least 7 hours of sleep.
  4. Ward 11. I admire the movement of the hospital to establish an official 2nd class ward. However, i condemn the fact that the movement was too rushed, unnecessary (at this moment) and with only patchy thought given into it. It was like a spur of the moment decision..."er... doh... let's have a 2nd class ward..hmm.. doh!" ...I shall not elaborate further for fear of spies hahaha :D
  5. i've been soo passive lately. i hate myself for it. And i procrastinate. urgghh.. hypocrisy at it's prime.
  6. i've been overdosing on caffeine (i don't really see what's wrong with that). oh yes, it's not good for the hair! i learnt that the hard way. haha
  7. i haven't quite managed to find the best way to diet.. somebody please help!
heheehehe ok ... i know, this entry is really just full of plain nonsense.. i just wanted to type..

i miss blogging! 

i'm going on an escapade for the next 5 days..seeking crystal blue waters, white powdery beaches and the hot blazing sun... i need to break away from the torment of that evil we call housemanship.



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