A pink-clad baby at heart

Banana split or creme brulee?  - banana split
Chocolate milkshake or cappucino? - milkshake
Mac&cheese or lobster? - mac&cheese
Pink or maroon? - pink
Cakes or brownies? - brownies

I have the cravings of a 6 year old. I'm into candy, chocs, jellies and gummies... the jellier the candy, the merrier the taste... The brighter the coloring, the greater the urge.... The more the icing, the higher the temptation! Oh doughnuts! where are u when i need you??

I'm a die-hard fan of junk food. When will my taste buds ever mature to that of an adult?

Food aside. I must also admit to having the mentality of a 6 year old. I'm still immature, dependent and irrational when it comes to making decisions. I live for the day and fail to plan for the future.

With that confession finally brought out in the open, i can finally feel at peace with myself.. and start planning for my future... .... .... hmmm.... so.. who's up for splurging at the mall this weekend??? :D

I shall entertain you with my pinks galore shopping parade!

So... who's noticed that i like Christmas trees? and not to mention purple as well haha :P

mmuuuaaahhhh xoxo
