
Showing posts from 2011


Ok so Aizu and I were both off on the same day... Finally! so we decided to spend the day at the mosque.... taki ng photos!hehehe ...  but it was also beneficial cause we did end up praying in congregation over there which i haven't managed to do in quite a while due to the hectic working shifts, not a good excuse, i know. The model was terrible though, inexperienced and lacks variety in her poses. Don't worry, she'll be sticking to her day job. haha :) here are some of the pics:  Whatcha lookin at??  I really wanted ice creammm...  I like this one..  trying to look all innocent hahaha I need to buy a good program to edit pics. haha xoxo

To play or not to play. That is the question...

Ok so i'm currently having an internal conflict within myself.This sunday i have a futsal match, i'll be representing the hospital like before. i haven't trained in months, and furthermore i've gained weight, lost stamina and lost speed due to the extra kgs i put on haha don't call me anorexic.  Lemme weigh out the pros and cons: The perks of playing -  I don't need to go to work - I'm working this sunday but since i've got an official letter from the hosp director i need not work that day. woohoo. problem is, i need to find a replacement - ah that should be easy. who doesn't wanna work in ward 5 on a weekend? i'll lose weight. InshaAllah. Ameen. i'll regain my stamina and speed.  i can meet up with all my futsal mates again. The cons I'd rather rest i.e. sleep. Or go shopping. I still need shoes and a dress. if i don't go, i need to work from 8am til 5pm. i don't like futsal as much as the other sports. I wish it were bask

happy pics :D

haha, just one for now. will add more later :D 

Latent phase of life

So i've been pretty latent of late in the the cyber world, but in reality a lot's been going on. It's been a joyous past few months for me and my family. I no longer come as one, for i am officially a double being (no, i am NOT pregnant teehee!)... and no i'm not an alien. My brother and my sister in law just got engaged, on the same day, on separate occasions and at separate venues, but NOT to each other.... that'd just be weird haha.  a few achievements over the last month - i've been cooking! hip hip hooray! i have to admit it's kinda fun experimenting with all the ingredients in the kitchen. My moto - you're a good cook as long as your cooking is edible (regardless of the taste). I've managed to save more money by cooking at home. prior to this, i'd eat out every single day, and mind you, i'm a VERY selective eater... by going out, i'd spend at least RM20 on a meal and petrol. and furthermore, i'd be exposed to the very drug that

Untitled - Part 1

Here’s part of a short story that i'm currently writing and which is still in progress. Initiated by severe boredom and ketidaktahunakbuatapaan. It includes extracts from the report my group and I did for our elective posting in the Palestinian refugee camp Hospital when i was in my fourth year of medical school. The "other" parts are a mix of fiction and umm true life accounts(haha!). Much gratitude goes to the group for accompanying me there. Tell me what you think ;P I had just finished folding the last of my garments and placing it into my so-called cloth for a backpack. It was a pink t-shirt, written on it “aloha” given to me during my family vacation to Hawaii. i quickly unfolded it and spread it out infront of me between my too hands and tears started rolling down uncontrollably. “I can’t do this anymore”, i wept.  Memories came soaring through my mind so real as if a video was being played in rewind within my eyes. The pressure was unbearable. I couldn’t bear to

The list... dum, dum, dum

Soo... I’ve reached that point in my life where i have to start planning my days very well. Planning for “that day”. You may choose to replace “that day” with whatever event you wish   :D I’ve been rather busy lately (and yet still have time to blog! Haha it keeps me sane). Oncalls have been getting more frequent and i’ve been putting so many things on hold; too many things which are important, mind you. Procrastination is the unwanted yet inevitable product of busyness. But i can’t completely place the blame on my work. I’ve always been hopeless when it comes to time management.  To overcome my laziness and procrastination during my student days i’d make a list of things to do and then put it into a timetable. I had to cos my life was pretty hectic (as it is for everyone else, i’m sure) having to divide my time between sports, studies, sleep, religion, (shopping!) and etc. Furthermore, i had several study groups going on at the same time i.e one for the professional exams, one fo

I'm no superwoman

I was so tired at the hospital today cos i haven't compensated so many days of sleep. My last oncall was 2 days ago; slept for less than 2 hours for the whole day. Was exhausted while reviewing patients the following day, with eyebags weighing about 1 kg bilaterally. Nodded off several times while writing in their files - while sitting and standing. But after morning rounds i decided to go to Malacca rather than taking my well-deserved sleep. I shopped the whole day and got back at about 11pm cos there was a dumb road block on the highway. Was back to work today at 6:30am, sleepy as usual. After 5pm, i went out for tea, got home at 7pm, took an hour's nap and went for futsal practice. Just got back, and rather than sleeping immediately, i took a nice refreshing shower and am currently blogging the events of the day. A day well-planned (not!). heehee.  I think i've over exerted myself... yet again.. It's a vicious, never-ending cycle.  I still don't know how to ma

A pink-clad baby at heart

Banana split or creme brulee?  - banana split Chocolate milkshake or cappucino? - milkshake Mac&cheese or lobster? - mac&cheese Pink or maroon? - pink Cakes or brownies? - brownies I have the cravings of a 6 year old. I'm into candy, chocs, jellies and gummies... the jellier the candy, the merrier the taste... The brighter the coloring, the greater the urge.... The more the icing, the higher the temptation! Oh doughnuts! where are u when i need you?? I'm a die-hard fan of junk food. When will my taste buds ever mature to that of an adult? Food aside. I must also admit to having the mentality of a 6 year old. I'm still immature, dependent and irrational when it comes to making decisions. I live for the day and fail to plan for the future. With that confession finally brought out in the open, i can finally feel at peace with myself.. and start planning for my future... .... .... hmmm.... so.. who's up for splurging at the mall this weekend??? :D I shall enter

The end of a beautiful period marks the beginning of the unwanted!

i.e. Beautiful period = HOLIDAY Unwanted = end of the HOLIDAY And thus the return of nettlesome rantings from yours truly... I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK! Is it possible that I'll wake up to find that this is only a dream?... . . . . (...and what happened to optimism?) . . . Let the monologues begin....

Ambiguity and Anonymity

Is it normal to feel this way? Confused, undecided and in a state of uncertainty The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. But once you have the chance to actually taste it, u just plainly don’t want to. There’s no longer that thrill u had from chasing after it. I’m starting to have second thoughts. Why is that so? Dear God, Show me the straight path. Show me right from wrong. And whatever decisions I make in the future, may they please be good ones? Ameen.

Celebrating independence

I never knew how it really felt to be alone.. i mean literally ALONE. I come from a very protective family, where my parents would hardly ever allow us to hang out with our friends at shopping complexes let alone step out of the front gate without informing them first. My actual first step into independence was when i left my family in Mexico to further my studies in Malaysia to become a medical doctor.. it wasn’t too bad at that moment as my 2 eldest bros were there for me to freeload off their food and shelter etc, i was self-confessed leech (we actually stayed in our home so it wasn’t a big deal anyway haha). Well anyway, from leaving Mexico, to starting matriculation in PJ and then moving on to the medical faculty in Kuantan, i’d consider myself pretty much grown. I’ve matured emotionally, professionally as well as spiritually. I’ve learned to become more understanding and considerate towards other ppl, and i’ve learned how to deal and accept (and tolerate) all different types